State Captain's Message

Patriot Guard Riders - Wisconsin
State Captain's, "It's Almost Fall Letter" - 2024

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Let's start with:

Politics and the PGR

Most of our members ARE members because they care deeply about our military, our veterans, and our country. As we get closer and closer to election time many people become more expressive of their views and ideals. I believe in that deeply and encourage it but also remind people that the PGR CANNOT be involved in legislative or campaign issues in any way. We can lose our 501(c)3 status with dire circumstances. Remember, that means there can be NO PERCEIVED ASSOCIATION between the Patriot Guard Riders and any political cause, candidate, or issue. Feel free to speak up, attend rallies, etc but remember:

  • No mention of the PGR either for or against any candidate, party or issue.
  • No display of PGR patches, emblems, vehicle decorations, flags, clothing or other items that might be construed as an implication that there is any relationship between a candidate or party and this organization. This includes the display of these items at work or home in proximity to any campaign signs, candidate's headquarters, etc.
  • No posting of a political nature on the PGR National Forum or the Patriot Guard Riders – Wisconsin Facebook page.
In the words of the great philosophers - The Byrds and their friend Ecclesiastes, "there is a time for every purpose under heaven". Let's remember there is a time for politics and a time for our mission.

On that note: (don't you love my cute segues?)

Remember, that information gained through being a member of this organization is confidential and is NOT to be used for personal use unless you have the expressed permission to do so. All State Captains have to sign original confidentiality agreements which are on file at National. I get a number of e-mails every month from some organization that mass mails their great idea about a fund raiser or a support organization or a project.

For that reason, personal e-mails are not available through the member list and you are reminded that member's information is not to be shared or used for personal use without their permission.

It goes without saying that anyone who releases ANY information about those for whom we stand, their family, friends, or others involved in the mission, will be immediately removed from a mission and the organization.

Attendance at Missions

Here's a simple request.

Attend 2 missions this year for a few hours each.

Bring someone.

Attendance at funerals

Remember that we attend funerals as guests of the family and only when invited. No one is to attend a funeral (or any part thereof) that is not a mission unless you are a friend of the family and would have attended if the PGR never existed.

That Face Place

Many of you may have missed it but we are on Facebook now and all the fun stuff is there as it's more social - we can put pics up and folks can chat AND you don't have to be a PGR member to get in (though we must have confidence you're one of the good guys or gals before we approve you). Then you can see pictures of "The Trailer". We now have 1,100 Facebook members

The Word

We need to get the word out about who we are and what we can do. We have a LOT more potential and the good news is, missions are down. The bad news is, that's how most of you learned about us. If you know of a good media outlet (newspaper, radio or TV talk show, etc) that would like to do a little PR send me a note with the subject - Media for the PGR to SCREMOVE@patriotguard-wiREMOVE.org

I have new flyers from National and will distribute them at Camp Serenity and send some down to the Southeast.

Any members west of the center of the state can request them directly from me. We are SERIOUSLY short of active members outside the Milwaukee and Green Bay areas. We can't promote our services in those areas without 4X the current membership. As we look for more members we also need Ride Captains all over. Dave Bonde and I are the only RCs for the whole west half of the state. If you believe a member would be a good Ride Captain, suggest it to them and forward their info to me.

On that note, Many of you know Jake Jaquart has not been well for over a year and has decided to step down:

Back in 2015 I retired, and finally got to do something I had been planning for years. I joined the Patriot Guard. So glad I could finally help pay tribute to all the veterans out there. It made my heart feel good.

I was surprised at the welcome I got from so many of the members when I joined. They truly made me feel welcome. Something else that makes this decision difficult.

As some of you know, I have been having some health issues that have kept me from doing my duties as a Ride Captain. For this reason, I have made the decision to retire from being a Ride Captain.

This has been a hard decision for me, due to the fact I wasn't in the military and this was my only way of paying all of the veterans back. When I started with the Patriot Guard, I got a really good feeling. Sorrow for those that died, but glad that I could in some small way pay them back.

I have met many wonderful people through this journey.

I will hopefully be able to stand at some missions in the future.

To all of you, I say thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great organization. It has been an honor and a privilege.

God bless you all.

John (Jake) Jacquart

Standing for those that stood for us.

Thanks, Jake, for your many years and many missions. We'll miss the most identifiable voice in the group.

John "Tango" Curran
State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders - Wisconsin
Email: SCREMOVE@patriotguard-wiREMOVE.org
Website: www.patriotguard-wi.org